Makeup Lessons | Look Good Live Luxes | RVA Beauty

You never know your perfect lipstick until you try. Arielle Davis, beauty expert, shares life lessons in makeup!

This entry is directed at my beauties in their late teens and early twenties somethings. At your age, I know there is a pressure to choose that one path meant to take you through the rest of your life! But honestly, beauties, I think that expectation is like old mascara — it makes your life clumpy and dry — no drama and no length! What kind of life is that?!

In all seriousness, there really is wisdom in makeup analogies. I love this quote by Pat McGrath, named the most influential makeup artist in the world by Vogue! She says, “There are endless ways to enhance your beauty. You never know when you will find your perfect lipstick — unless you keep experimenting.”

In the same palette (I’m telling you, makeup analogies are addicting), there are endless ways to create your dream life, but you will not discover them UNLESS you get out there and experiment, unless you put yourself out there and try different things. 

If you are tired of your same old lip balm, try a bold lip. If you are not in love with your current direction, try a totally unexpected summer job. There is so much truth in the saying, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained!” If you have the right perspective, there is always something to gain from a new experience — if not experience, itself! 

Think about it. What makes a woman’s makeup look bomb is the fact she hit a few bombs in order to figure out what did not work for her! In the same way, trying new things to figure out what you do not like is just as important as trying the things you think you like.

Why stick to the same old makeup routine when you can be a different kind of fierce with several others?!  Makeup lessons make for the best life-lessons.

Caroline Kalentzos